The name "Old Fashioned" evokes nostalgia, and the pleasures of an earlier era.
Remember as a kid when you couldn't wait for school to end so you could play sports with your friends?
Waiting impatiently for your dad to get home so you could have a catch before dinner?
We never forgot the allure of sports. We relish sports' ability to connect friends and generations, the power to transcend cultural differences.
Especially powerful are the hero fantasies: The walk off home run, the last second touchdown pass, the winning shot at the buzzer...
The "Old Fashioned" collection is here to recreate those memories.
We actually put a lot of thought into naming our collections. Our original "Handsome Dan" collection is named for Yale University's Bulldog mascot. A collection named for collegiate mascots seemed natural. After all, Leather Head is the "Official Football of Collegiate Tailgating"
For this new collection we kicked around a lot of ideas. It's no secret that we appreciate a well crafted cocktail, so we thought of classic mixed drinks. Naturally the Old Fashioned came to mind. The rich, caramel colored leather in the "Old Fashioned" collection made the name a perfect fit.
The Bourbon Old Fashioned:
Stir together in a rocks glass with 1 large ice cube:
3 oz of your favorite bourbon
1 tsp simple syrup
2 dashed bitters
Twist a lemon peel over it and garnish with an orange peel and a good cherry.
It's all about connecting people: family, friends, generations and cultures.
Isn't it time to get out and play.
And by all means, enjoys a well crafted Old Fashioned afterwards.
Leather Head balls are for making memories. That's how you create an heirloom.